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Funny Bunny Kids Blog

#meetthemama- Tayloringtwoblooms

#meetthemama- Tayloringtwoblooms


Chantelle Taylor

Hibiscus Coast

Tell me about your family and where you are based

My little family consists of myself my two little blooms; Poppy 5, Bella 3 and my husband Ben. 
We live in the sunny paradise of Stillwater which is located in The hibiscus coast- North of Auckland.


What is a typical day like in your house?

We spend all our sunny days at the beach and climbing trees. When I’m not busy working as a makeup artist or volunteering for The Mums Clique Charity. I spend my evening getting creative with my side hustle Poppy's Bloom Room where I bring the best of my favourite things together flowers and creativity. 



What's your best childhood memory?

My favourite childhood memory would have to be the one time my Aunt took me to Disney on Ice (Beauty and the Beast). It was the most magical thing I had ever seen. Also, family holidays at Pakari holiday park, chilling at the beach with our family friends. 


What was the first year of motherhood like for you?

The biggest challenge of my life, a difficult and high risk pregnancy, then baby girl needed a gastric surgery at 6weeks old which was absolutely terrifying. We had a contact sleeper for almost 6 months. It was the hardest but most rewarding year of my life , it was also the year we married with baby Poppy only 3 months old it was amazing having her there and for the honeymoon. 


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given to arm you as you navigate motherhood or that you can pass on?

Never be afraid to ask for help.. and trust your Mama gut. Mama truly knows best, no one knows your baby like you do. 


What’s one thing as a mum you cannot live without?

Time out and self care. It’s so easy to forget about you and it really throws off the balance. 


What was the hardest thing about becoming a mum?

Sleep deprivation for me was really hard (I love sleep) but also accepting my new Mum bod - that’s something I’m still coming to terms with. 



How do you take time out for yourself without children?

Work for me is my time out as I love being creative. It doesn’t feel like work to me. Also love a long bath with a face mask on. 


 If you are a working mum how do you ensure you balance this?

I have to consciously put my phone down when with the kids (I try not to let the worlds merge, I’m either working or I’m Mumming) 



What is it you wanted to portray in your Instagram feed? Or wanted to share with others?

I love sharing the day to day adventures we have living on the coast, I love showing my creative side with taking photos out in nature and dressing my kids in cute outfits. But although the images are usually very pretty the captions are usually very real talk. 


 What do you love about the FBK products?

Funny Bunny is just beautiful I love the natural aesthetic and unique personalisation. The night lights are one of my favourite items in the girls rooms.