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Funny Bunny Kids Blog

#meetthemama- Jahna Barraclough

#meetthemama- Jahna Barraclough

Jahna Barraclough




Tell me about your family and where you are based 

We are a family of three. Myself, I am Euroean although my father was adopted so I'm not sure of my full nationality. My fianceé (Chad), he is Māori and our 2 1/2year old son (Benji) a gorgeous mix of us both. We live in East Auckland, where we moved into our first home about 2 years ago.


What is a typical day like in your house?

Never the same. I don't think there's ever a "typical day" in our home. Over the past few months I have started working for myself as a content creator/model. Chad is in the event industry which is very demanding so it all takes a lot of juggling and communication while Benji's only in daycare 3 days a week which makes it very difficult to get anything done. I often try schedule photoshoots at sunrise to get everything done as early into the day as possible but when I can't do that I sacrifice family time in the hopes that this will all pay off in the long run as I find success.


What's your best childhood memory?

I cherish the many memories I have with my nana, who has now passed away. I'd go every holidays and spend most of the time doing arts and crafts. We did a lot of knitting, felting, drawing and also trips to the Thames markets in the weekends where I would steal the froth off the top of her chocolate mocha from the local cafe.


What was the first year of motherhood like for you?

I struggled. A LOT! I had a very traumatic birth as I had a life threatening condition called HELLP Syndrome which we only found out the day I was rushed into hospital a week before my due date. This resulted in an emergency C-section and I also experienced poor care in the hospital where I stayed for almost a week. For the remaining of the year I was up and down with emotions but went back to work at 4 1/2 months to keep the income coming in. This proved difficult while trying to pump every few hours since I was breastfeeding, but luckily at the time I worked at Dimples which was an ideal place to be since they're a family business.  



What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given to arm you as you navigate motherhood or that you can pass on?

"Every baby is different. Only take bits of advice from others that work for you and just nod your head to the rest" everyone will have an opinion on what you should or should be do or use but you know your baby and what’s best. 


What’s one thing as a mum you cannot live without?

Family and friends. They're my rock, the people who I know will always be there if I need support. 

What was the hardest thing about becoming a mum?

Trying to constantly keep up. To this day I find it hard to create a balance. I'm working on it! Easier said than done. I do think I need to make more time for my family since all I do is work, it's hard to switch off in my career. I'm very lucky to have such a supportive partner to encourage me along the journey. 


How do you take time out for yourself without children?

I go to F45 almost every day, this is where I let out my stress and get ready for the day. I think a form of exercise is very important for the mind.


If you are a working mum how do you ensure you balance this?

As mentioned above, I'm still trying to find this balance. I'm currently working my butt off to eventually get to a stage where I can step back and really focus on these precious years making memories with my boys. 


What is it you wanted to portray in your Instagram feed? Or wanted to share with others?

My Instagram is a wide variety of fashion, beauty, home and family. I work closely with beautiful brands I adore and take so much pride in sharing things I love and enjoy. I feel very grateful every day to be able to do what I do and create so many gorgeous friendships with not only the people behind the brands, but also with my talented photographers I work closely with who I feel don't always get the recognition they deserve. 


What do you love about the FBK products?

I love Sara, she’s beautiful and I am lucky enough to have been working with her since Benji was a newborn. We have continued to love and enjoy Funny Bunny Kids over these years Benji has been in our lives.