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Funny Bunny Kids Blog

#meethemama- Mikayla Edmundson

#meethemama- Mikayla Edmundson

Mikayla Edmundson
Meet Makayla one of my FBK photographers and Mama to 2 beautiful children living in Auckland.
Tell me about your family and where you are based.
I’m Mikayla, Mama to two beautiful kids. Mila who is 8 and Hugo who is 2. We moved to Auckland 2 years ago just before Hugo was born and absolutely love it here.
 What is a typical day like in your house?
When we aren’t at work, school and daycare a typical day in our house is pretty relaxed. I usually catch up on housework and other little odd jobs well tending to the kids. We like to go on coffee dates and the kids love the playground so we usually end up there too! 
What's your best childhood memory?
I don’t know if I have one specific one but I have fond memories of our summer BBQ’s and we used to spend quite a lot of time at the beach. We also used to go camping at Ohope Beach every year and that was always the best time.  
What was the first year of motherhood like for you?
It was a little rough if I’m being completely honest. I had Mila when I was 18 and obviously at that age I didn’t have the financial backing or any stability - I raised Mila on my own so it was a very lonely time. She was the most perfect little baby though and I wouldn’t change anything if I had the chance. We are both a lot stronger because of it 🤍
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given to arm you as you navigate motherhood or that you can pass on?
Trust your Mama instincts! Always. 
What’s one thing as a mum you cannot live without?
I don’t know if I can just pick one. My mind instantly went to coffee haha but I don’t know if that’s a very practical answer. Maybe coffee and my daily phone calls with my Mum! She lives about a 6 hour drive from us so we don’t get to see each other often and I always really look forward to chatting to her and she’s always helping me through those hard moments that come with being a parent.
What was the hardest thing about becoming a mum?
To be honest I don’t really remember my life before I was a Mum so I’m not really sure. One thing I do find hard is the work/life balance - I feel a lot of guilt having to leave the kids but also know that it is such a positive thing at the same time. It’s setting such a good example for them and I absolutely love going to work - it fills my cup which in turn makes me a happier Mum 🤍
How do you take time out for yourself without children?
Work and coffee - two of my favourite things! 
If you are a working mum how do you ensure you balance this?
Work is my happy place so I’m lucky that the one thing I love to do for myself is go to work - I feel very blessed 🤍
What is it you wanted to portray in your Instagram feed? Or wanted to share with others?
I started sharing on my page when Hugo was born - it was my creative outlet and I loved having something to focus on other than being a Mum (even though that is what my page tends to be about). I just love photography and capturing moments. I also love the social aspect of it - I have made some beautiful friends through Instagram - I didn’t know anyone when I moved to Auckland and that is where I have made all of my friends so it’s a pretty special platform. x