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Funny Bunny Kids Blog

Aghhh why is my child so fussy with their food!

Aghhh why is my child so fussy with their food!

Upturned tables, throwing food, hiding food, giving it to the dog, going to bed hungry, pleading... the list goes on. Does this sound like meal times at your place?
I've had a fussy eater since day dot really. I'm not even sure what her body runs on! Yet, she's not little or big. 
I've bought so many books and magazines, subscribed to so many pages, listened to the podcasts, you name it.
Research always shows us though that high parental involvement during mealtimes actually leads to MORE picky eating. So...
-No praising veges or new foods
- no talking negatively about junk foods
- no commenting at meal times
PLAY it cool team- put the plate down and "here you go" is all we say.
At one point Poppie ate peanut butter and I was so excited the possibilities it opened up for us hahah
I've even used these cutters to make everything into shapes.
I've made fruit and vegetable rainbows and we all sat and ate... except Poppie!
I've tried making pictures, eating as a family, praising, baking together, bribery, giving in, shaming, eating together, eating apart- yup it all really. 
After nearly 4 years this is what we now try to stick with:
We have safe nights alternating with mummy chooses nights. If the safe night looks like toast or spaghetti then so be it. Sometimes we lay it all out and everyone has to get 3 points- ie try 3 things. I've even stuck little alien eyes into her food and bunny ears into meatballs.
Whatever we try, it's likely Poppie won't try anything new. I have got her into pasta finally. I blended kumara, carrot, zucchini into the cheese sauce and folded through macaroni and for me thats a huge WIN! Oh and a kumara and white chocolate cake.  
I am sure in a few years I will look back and laugh but for now I will try to continue to not sweat the small stuff, not let it consume my whole day and believe we aren't the only ones battling this. Cos we certainly aren't.
Here are my go to pages for advice and ideas:
Good luck guys 
Sara x